Project Overview: Hypothesis, Reasoning, Sources, and Libraries
The purpose of this project is to analyze the impact that COVID-19 and recent occurrences of Anti-Asian rhetoric has had on the Asian community of NYC. My hypothesis was that Manhattan Chinatown had been the most affected out of Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan. Since 1870, it has served as a safe space for immigrants - not only Chinese, but from many other ethnic groups as well - since 1870. Thus, I decided to include bakeries, grocery shops, and bars as well in my study. I also predicted that mostly, American and Asian businesses would have the highest number of closures.
For my sources, I used a dataset from Yelp and added in more closures from a wide variety of sources such as articles, blog posts, and neighborhood groups that contained restaurants and businesses that had shut down during the pandemic. Overall, I had 224 businesses in my dataset. I coded this in Python and used the following libraries: pandas, matplotlib, numpy, folium, json, and seaborn.

CSV Explained:

I added around 40 more restaurants and removed the ones from the dataset which had reopened towards the end of the pandemic. I also a new field for my ease of use: Cuisine_General. This made it significantly easier to group and allowed me to analyze it as a continental cuisine rather than per ethnic cuisine.