NYC's Chinatowns are an essential neighborhood to New York City. Brimming with history, culture, food, it is one of the most popular tourist attractions to date.
Hello, and thanks for visiting my research site! As an individual who has frequented Chinatown for many years, I was astounded to see the changes that it has endured throughout the pandemic. Due to many different factors -- i.e. language barriers, low computer literacy levels, transactions being cash-only, businesses and restaurants in Chinatown were quickly snuffed out during the early months of the pandemic. In the midst of the pandemic, there was an increase of misinformation, fear, and anti-Asian rhetoric that made people hesitant to visit these stores, and altogether, and slowly stop supporting these businesses. Even now, Chinatown (specifically Manhattan’s Chinatown) isn't what it used to be. I hope the data that was found will help to shed light on this issue. Enjoy your visit!

Links included to accounts that support AAPI businesses!